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Dr Andrew Dicks

Dr Andrew Dicks

Dr Andrew Dicks

Global leader in hydrogen technologies

Andrew is the Secretary for the Australian Association for Hydrogen Energy, is the Convener of the Australian Hydrogen Research Network and is an adjunct Principal Research Fellow/Associate Professor at Griffith University. Andrew is an experienced science & engineering professional, with a background in materials science and catalysis.

Andrew’s background includes over 30 years in the UK gas industry, working on everything from coal gasification to strategic economic planning. In the later years, he has led a large R&D programme on fuel cell systems, collaborating with developers in Europe and North America. More recently, as a senior academic Andrew has led several high-profile research projects in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies involving multiple partners in several countries.

He is a clear analytical thinker, with international standing in fuel cell and energy technologies, a strong track record in innovation and project management experience at a high level. With a career that has included both industrial and academic positions, his expertise covers Research Management, Emerging Energy Technologies, Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cell Systems, Gas Processing, and Systems Analysis.

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